At Doveland, we believe that a child’s age contribute to the level of his /her academic success. We strictly adhere to age appropriate placement of our learners into classes.
The minimum age for all classes are as follow:
- 1 Year, 3 months – Play class
- 2 Years, 3 months – Pre-school
- 3 Years, 3 months – Nursery
- 4 Years, 3 months – Reception
- 5 Years, 3 months – Year 1
- 6 Years, 3 months – Year 2
- 7 Years, 3 months – Year 3
- 8 Years, 3 months – Year 4
- 9 Years, 3 months – Year 5
- 10 Years, 3 months – Year 6
The school does not engage in double promotion of our pupils.
- We endeavour to keep class sizes small so each child can receive individual attention.
- Pupils are placed in classes of about 15 – 24 children.
- Pupils will be placed according to their age on September 1st of their year of entry. Where it is considered to be of benefit to the pupil, he/she may be placed in a lower year group (after consultation with the parents/guardian). If a child is offered conditional admission in his/her age appropriate year group due to assessment test results, the parents are clearly informed of the schools expectations.